mapping, memorial
Luisa Kaiser, Lena Konz
Aktuelle Stunde
Luisa Kaiser and Lena Konz in collaboration with former students of the activist group Aktuelle Stunde worked on the visual identity of the Audiowalk des KZ Aussenlagers in Mötzlich. The area of the former concentration camp is situated in the north of Halle and is used as a recreational spot nowadays. Today, nothing reminds us of the Siebel Flugzeugwerke, a former aircraft factory where thousands of people were forced to work under inhumane conditions. Blackberries grew over the remains of the constructions, leaving nothing but wild nature and some cement blocks. The Audiowalk project wants to encourage citizens to have a closer look at their surroundings, and to remember the victims of forced labour during the nazi era.
This concept was incorporated into the design by using a recent photo of the area, combining it with the direct title “The concentration camp of the Siebel aircraft workshops”. This causes an irritating moment and the viewer realizes, that they had no idea of the history of their surroundings. Postcards only displayed the photograph to give an impression of a picturesque scenery and only revealing the context on the back side, by looking closer. The first collective listening session on site was well attended and created visibility in the city.
Because there are no permanent information boards installed yet, we created an informative flyer to hand out. The flyer gives further information about forced labour in halle during the nazi era. It also shows a lot of archive pictures where the viewer can get an impression of the actual size of the workshops and the working conditions during air bombardments.
The audiowalk project is not completed yet. Permanently installed information boards on site, and a website are planned for the future. The project should be accessible any time for as many people as possible.