VR, migration
Seifeldeen Elfouly
As a reflection on narrations in the context of migration history, Martina Böse started her essay “Ich entscheide mich dafür, MigrantInnen zu sagen. Zur Vermittlung von Gegenerzählungen und Repräsentationspolitik in der Ausstellung gastarbajteri—40 Jahre Arbeitsmigration 2”, with analytical comparisons between General Narratives and Counter-Narratives [Fig.1], as methodologies of narrating the history of migration. Her approach states that the discursive networking of stories from different points of view, formulates how the public receives migration movements and migratory practices. Furthermore, the essay questions the authority to narrate counterstories and represent existing knowledge. Stating that the process of discursive networking in this context is associated with archival institutions, scholars and researchers in the field of migration studies.
Toward a broad-based knowledge transfer, which aims for representational narratives for the public. Böse stated several questions as parameters to measure the origins and aims of representational narratives:
– Who speaks?
– From which perspective?
– Who is the subject?
– Which voices are represented?
– Represented by whom?