law, spatial
Jasmin Zehe, Tessa Darimont
A website collects voice and text statements by the co-plaintiffs. The website uses a 3D model of the spatial setting in the courtroom as an immersive interface to connect voices and statements by co-plaintiffs to their spatiality and location within the courtroom. Who sees whom within the courtroom? Which perspectives are possible and which are hindered? How does this affect the public perception of the trial by the images possible?Using this model as a structure to ask questions about the correlation of spatiality and media publicity aims at making the non-neutrality of court spaces visible and discussable. Through this, the project proposes focusing on the voices and opinions of those affected.As in the case against the aggressor of Halle, 2019, he live-streamed his attacks to the gaming platform Twitch, the court case was not about basic guilt, but vastly about how the public perceives and negotiates the case. Therefore the project also aims at proposing other forms of focusing on the voices of those affected in those cases.
The trial of the assassin of the attack 09 October 2019 took place from July to December 2020 at the Naumburg Higher Regional Court in the premises of the Magdeburg Regional Court. Involving over forty joint plaintiffs and more than eighty witnesses and experts, one of the biggest trials against a right-wing terrorist in Germany’s history was held in 2020. After twenty-six days, the trial ended with a life sentence being handed down to the perpetrator. The case was accompanied by the biggest collective of co-plaintiffs, 45 people, in German court history. One explicit demand by the network of co-plaintiffs was not to show the perpetrator and not to mention his name in the media – to avoid heroisation and iconisation in right-wing media. Some news outlets followed this demand, others did not. Observers of the trial and co-plaintiffs described the function of the court also as being a platform to ask for context on anti-Semitic, racist, and misogynist violence instead of personal guilt.