mapping, exhibition, migration
Seifeldeen Elfouly
Within our field research, we captured an image of the item and built further analysis on the potential message. As the discussed exhibit is a demonstration of a geographical journey, with a focal point on the spatial aspect in correlation with fleeing obstacles, the suggested display method is to present the communicated information as a scenery method, in a room-based experience with spatial aspects that applied the kid’s visualisation as a reference to guide the visitors. By mapping his perceptions onto the exhibition space. Nine journey steps beimng reflected in nine rooms. Each room to include a digital display portal, playing archived video/audio materials that correlate to the same estimated locations, and circumstances visualised on the map; Here the visitor’s involvement will be oriented on formulating comparative analysis of what happened on camera, and how a kid’s interpretation could conceptualise it.
In “Das Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung.” in Berlin in Oct. 2021. We researched on modes of displaying and contextualising Migrational processes. Seifeldeen selected an exhibited map of the escape road from Syria to Germany. The Exhibit belongs to a Syrian Child named Osama, in Germany and was drawn 2011-2020. It is displayed anonymously without further information. The map is a visual display of Osama’s journey. It is not further contextualised, whether it was done spontaneously by the child, or under adult supervision, whether it was expressed out of neutrality or is there hidden agendas embedded behind it.